1st International Conference on Engineering Education: Present and Future " 1st ICEE 2020
Improve Quality of Service of Videoconferencing Based on Web Real Time Communication
Paper ID : 1310-ICEE-FULL
Sally Ahmed Eltenahy *
Faculty of engineer, Mansoura university
WebRTC is a real time communication and it is simply a browser to browser communication. That can be used for example in videoconference, chat, sharing desktop and several features. To implement a WebRTC on premise, we need media server for signalling and stun/turn server to keep peer to peer connection behind firewall and NAT. There are a lot of opensource applications and frameworks are using WebRTC technology. Concerning to coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, Using WebRTC in our today’s life become necessary. Stay home and stay safe slogan change our culture in work and education. Most of us are working from home and concept of eLearning become more effective using videoconference programs like zoom and WebEx. Surely organizations want to manage and customize video conference app according their requirement and policies. In this study, shown the opensource apps that can be customize. shown how to implement WebRTC video conference app connected to media server and stun/turn server. shown how to record the video to can refer to it. shown how to secure our app and making authentication and authorization.
WebRTC , P2P , Media_server , stun/turn server, elearning , jwt , NAT/Firewall , recording
Status : Paper Accepted