1st International Conference on Engineering Education: Present and Future " 1st ICEE 2020
Smart and Fast learning management system based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT Computing
Paper ID : 1301-ICEE-FULL
Mostafa Mahmoud Elgayar *
Information Technology Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
We live in the artificial intelligence and big data era. One of the essential factors in having big data is the Internet of Things (IoT). Spark and deep learning can be used to build a fast learning management system by handling big data. In this paper, a smart classroom model will be proposed that collects students' data such as faces, keystrokes, text, and speech to interact without the need for a teacher or observer. This model contains many edge devices linked together with the gateway device through the MQTT machine to machine communication technology for preprocessing first. After that, the initially processed data can be sent to the cloud system through HTTPS technology to apply artificial intelligence techniques such as deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) such as pattern recognition, speech to text and text to speech through Node-Red. In experiments, Raspberry pi3 gateway and some sensors will be used to identify movement, faces, and sounds. Then all connected objects are linked to a cloud system that contains artificial intelligence techniques to analyze voice data, recognize faces, and answers the student questions.
IoT, Smart Learning Management System, Pattern Recognition, NLP, Spark, Raspberry pi
Status : Paper Accepted